
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Name: Stephanie Helbig
Location: Berlin
Okay so, I’ve lived my whole life in Berlin, Germany, besides one year, which I spent in TRF. School system is pretty different here but anyways a normal day in my life while going to high school would pretty much look like this:
I’d get up and go to school. Since school usually starts at 8 o’ clock, I had to leave the house at around 7:30 and then go by subway. This takes like ten minutes and then a short walk. School was finished depending on how many classes I had that day mostly at 2:15 pm. Afterwards I’d usually go to my grandparents house to get food since both of my parents work. Homework and all the good stuff and then I’d just go outside and see who’s there. Even though Berlin has 3.2 Million people the little districts are like a village. If you’ve grown up there, you know most of the people since elementary or cause you did sports together. Sports aren’t connected to school in Germany. There are just clubs you go to and then the different clubs play against each other. I played handball for seven years so on some days during high school time I went to practice in the evening. I live close to a park with a lake and we would go there or go to the zoo or the movies or whatever. Since in Berlin the infrastructure is pretty amazing because we have a lot of busses and subways, trains and so on we could go everywhere without a car.
Since Thomas Strandemo was talking about partying:
Drinking age for beer is 16 and for “hard” alcohol 18. They just started being strict about because there was a lot abuse, but well Berlin is famous for some clubs. Most of them you can go to with 18, maybe with a fake ID a little early but that usually only works out for girls ;) Some are for people age 21 or older since they want to make it more sophisticated but what keeps most people out are the sophisticated prices ;)

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